But, to be fair, I also explained why we talk about bunnies and eggs. That way back a long time ago, people used bunnies and eggs to symbolize fertility. Making babies and growing vegetables, two things everyone does in the spring time. And that Oestre, a bunny goddess who lays eggs was the symbol of fertility--of making babies and growing vegetables--and that the two holidays ended up being celebrated at the same time, so to be time efficient, we just sorta combined both celebrations. So, Easter is about two different celebrations that we do at the same time. That's why you'll see purple sashes on crosses but also see colorful eggs and fluffy marshmallow bunnies. Etc.
I dropped him off and high-tailed it back to the house. I figured since I had two hours to kill, that was a perfect excuse to clean the house. I worked on sweeping up all the damn dead stink bugs. I tidied and put things away and whatnot and barely got the dishes done before it was time to jump in the shower and scoot to the school to help play Easter Bunny for the kindergarten classes. There were about ten of us and even at 11:30 it was hot like summer, so we basically just tossed candy-stuffed plastic eggs here and there all over the playground.
The kids came ou and lined up and when the whistle blew, they stampeded. It was actually pretty cute.
When it was all over, the kids went back in by class for a few minutes to put their eggs up but then went back out for recess. I stuck around to watch. Ryan didn't play with anyone. He just sat at the top of this caterpillar jungle gym because he said he was hot and could "see the whole town" from up there.
All of a sudden, I saw a girl run across the playground straight for Ryan. There was NO MISTAKING the look on her face. I'm sure I wore it a kazillion times. It was joy. Determination. Certainty. Love. And she was looking at my kid. She shot straight for the jungle gym and climbed up to see him. When he saw her, his face lit up and I suddenly remembered him having asked me the day before to write "a love letter to my girlfriend." I had asked him what her name was but he couldn't remember. I told him I wouldn't help him write a love letter to a girl whose name he couldn't remember.
They jumped down from the gym. "This is my girlfriend," Ryan says.
"Oh yeah?" I say. "What's her name?"
He shrugs, "I don't know." And then it dawns on him. "Angela."
So, she comes over, shakes my hand and tells me it's nice to meet me. This is a five year old in flip flops, a tank top, short shorts, a sassy walk and a twinkle in here eye. She's me 30 years ago and I'm torn between winking at her and taking my kid and hightailing it out of there!!! She smiles, turns, takes his hand and they take off across the playground. Holding hands.
Are you kidding me?
And several times, I hear her talking to him. Using the little things girls use to manipulate boys. "Well, if you don't want to go for a walk with me, that's fine. Bye, Ryan!" LOL! The pout and dash. That's how you get the boys to chase you. Follow you. Say fine and walk away. And it almost worked. I felt like a mother-in-law as I explained that Ryan was hanging out under the playground equipment because it was shady and he was hot. She said, "Oh. Okay" and walked back over to where he was. Luckily, the whistle was blown again. They hugged quickly and then ran back to their repective lines.
My kid is 6. I thought I had at least another decade to prepare myself for this. But I sat with him at lunch for a few minutes and my 6 year old kid was SURROUNDED by giggling little girls who said, "We LOVE Ryan. At first, he was mean, but now he's our friend." So, um, either Ryan is GAY, or he's a playah. *sigh* Either way.... I approve, LOL!
We all went back in for the class ice cream party (they won it for the most donations for some cause or another). I helped out with the ice cream party and ended up talking to a mom whose brother-in-law works for Sam's company and is going to France for a week. I gave her my email to pass on in case they need to ask any questions about France and whatnot.
Afterwards, because it was like 90 freaking degrees F, I came home and camped out on the couch until it was time to go get Ryan. I wanted to get out there and work, but I'm not kidding about that heat. I had to actually turn the AC on. I put it on 80 so it would cool the place down (it was 86 even after the sun went down).
This morning, we got up early as I planned to plant the peas and potatoes. *sigh* I started re-researching everything and paths lead to trails and trails led to roads and before long, it was time to go. We loaded up and went to church to do another egg hunt. On the way to the car, Ryan said, "C'mon, Mom! Let's go make some babies and grow some vegetables." *sigh* What was I supposed to say? I had to re-explain "symbolism" to him on the way to the church. Thank goodness we got lost and were a little late so the explanation could have a chane to sink in.
Before the kids headed out, they made "Resurrection Cookies." A lady had all the kids gather around. She had a zip-lock full of pecans and said, "You kids know how Pilate had Jesus beaten? Well, I want y'all to take turns beating these pecans." She handed them wooden spoons and let them each beat on the pecans. I wasn't sure how I felt about it. Ryan and I hadn't covered the Pilate thing in detail and I wasn't sure he'd understand the meaning or purpose. I'm not sure I did. Anyway, so then, she passed around a phial of vinegar. "When Jesus was up on the cross, he told them he was thirsty and you know what they gave him to drink? This." And of course, the uncorked vinegar pitcher was met with many "Ewwwwww"s. She put a little in.
"These are egg whites and they symbolize life. This is a pinch of salt that gives life flavor. But that by itself--egg whites, vinegar and salt--that wouldn't taste very good, would it?"
"Noooooo," the kid chorus wailed.
"What do you think would make it taste better?"
A lady behinder her said, "If I put my finger in it and sweetened it up!" Everyone laughed.
"Sugar! I put a cup of sugar in here."
She warned that she would need to run the mixer for 12 to fifteen minutes to get the batter ready and told the kids to mill about while the teenagers were hiding the eggs. Ryan started playing with the other kids. Two boys actually. Things started to get rough and I could see that Ryan wasn't very comfortable with it but I didn't want to be that mom who jumped in and saved her little boy. But I couldn't help it. As I was about to step in, the other kid's mom leaned down and said, "I told you to stop that." Oh, thank Resurrection Cookies!!! I'm not the only one! I sent her a wordless thank you with my eyes.
Soon, it was time to chase the eggs. They were supposed to shoot for the "shiny" eggs because if you got one, you got a prize. But the thing is, Ryan is so excited by the RACE that he just RUNS around... Like there are so many eggs, he doesn't know where to start. While other kids had 20-30 eggs, Ryan barely got 10 and he ended up giving a few away to another kid (I have NO IDEA why... the other kid's basket was overflowing... I guess Ryan was just trying to be generous). Ryan STARTED to throw a fit about not having gotten a shiny egg, but thankfully, it didn't take long for the fit to run its course.
After the hunt there were hotdogs, chips and the finished "Resurrection Cookies" the lady had made the day before. She said when you bite into them, they are hollow, just like Jesus' grave after the Resurrection. I think the whole symbol was lost on the kids, but whatever. It was a cool analogy. Like dyed eggs standing for fertility.
The VERY cool part is that, well, long-story-short, I met the grand-daughter of one of my very close neighbor (seeing/walking distance). I slipped her my phone numbers to pass along to her granny in case she ever needs me to go down there and help her out with anything or if she needs me to check on her. She was also the mom who stepped in and stopped all the rough-housing. As it turns out, her son is in kindergarten in a different class at Ryan's school. Her son said, "Hey, I'm gonna come on up to your house later today." I told him we'd be out today but that he was welcome to come up whenever he wanted to. Ryan was VERY excited about that. A little dude to play with. I was excited to see Ryan excited about playing with another boy (as Ryan REALLY likes hanging out with girls).
Afterward, Ryan and I spent the day in town running errands. We got Ryan some rubber boots to protect him from snakes. We went to Goodwill and got him some shorts for school and stuff to make a scarecrow/deer/coon/skunk from the garden. Then, we went to Barnes & Noble to buy a map and a calendar, but lemme tell ya, B&N has not calendars. *eye roll* We went to Bed, Bath & Beyond to look for a red or black soap dish for the guest bath, but I am NOT paying $10 for a freakin' soap dish. I did end up getting to use my $5 off coupon, *grin* for other things I needed. We went to Michael's to look for a calendar and to buy some twine. Ryan ended up finding some pretty cheap crafts he wanted to do, but no calendar. We went to Office Max cuz I had a $10 coupon. I just bought a "week at a glance" for 10 bux cheaper than usual (which was STILL expensive) and even after all that, we still had to go to Lowe's to look for the other stuff on our list.
But dude, we got shot down on nearly everything on our list. We did end up getting some organic fertilizer, a hand vac, etc. etc. But there were really important things on my list that I didn't get. Blah.
We were hungry. Very hungry. So, we stopped at Papa Johns to get a pizza. It took nearly an HOUR because they messed up our order twice. But there at the end, a guy came in to get a pizza and sat down next to us. I commented that I liked his hat (it was a Penn State hat). Ryan mimicked me. "I like your hat."
"Well, I'd give it to you if it was clean."
"Oh, no. That's okay," I said blushing.
But we got to talking and it turns out, he works at Sam's company. And just before he left, he took off the hat and put it on Ryan. *sigh* Awesome, huh?
So, there you go. That's that. A busy couple of days.
The Easter Bunny will not be bringing babies or vegetables or even eggs tomorrow. I figured since he had already had two egg hunts in two days, he was all set with candy. Instead, the Easter Bunny is going to leave his candy-free, movie/toy/book-filled basket on the doorstep tomorrow. And then, I'm going to spend the day in the garden.
I have a LOT to say about the garden... and about hunting and stuff... But I'm tired and my hands hurt. So, that'll have to wait.
Until then, have a look:
Ready.... Set...


On the hunt:

How is THIS about making babies and growing vegetables?

This is SERIOUS!


Ryan was line-leader:

Miss Lowrey playing with the kids (this kid wanted to have her feet pulled on rather than her back pushed... LOL!):

School Egg Hunt:
I can see the whole town from up here:

Glad to see each other:

The hello hug:

Holding hands:

The hug goodbye:

Ryan built a boat:

Resurrection cookies:

Ryan doesn't like loud noises (like mixers):

Crashing the car with the boys:

Egg hunting:

Notice the horses in the field behind Ryan:


Bradford Pears downtown Lynchburg Main Street:

WE ARE........... PENN STATE!!!!!

You're the mother I want to be. You're my idol!!!