I don't work at Subway. I dislocated my shoulder in the middle of the night reaching for a tissue to blow my nose. I went to have it looked at and turns out I have Hypermobility Syndrome. All those years people raved about how "limber" I am. I'm finding out it wasn't a blessing. The ortho even said that he could dislocate my kneecaps with his bare hands (and without trying too hard). He also said I have chondromalaecia patella (or something like that). Anyway, long story short: Working at Subway was pretty dangerous. I had to spend hours by myself doing pretty hard physical stuff (reaching over my head). If I'd have dislocated my shoulder mid-reach, I'd have been stuck there.
For the same reason, I had to stop teaching Zumba. :-(
PTA did well this year. We had some pretty neat programs and were able to fulfill the goals I set out to do--bringing the parents and teachers closer, making the teachers feel appreciated and giving back to the kids while keeping things local and interactive. Over the summer, we decided that changing to a PTO would suit our needs better, so we changed to the Rustburg Elementary School Parent-Teacher Partnership. We took all the money we had left and bought playground equipment for the kids (as well as sports equipment for the upper grades). We also bought the school a sno-cone machine (because we use it a lot during fundraisers). In the end, I had to step down as president because Lolo didn't get into Pre-K and I just couldn't see me dragging Lolo to daytime meetings, planning everything around her naps and needs, etc. It's okay, though because my VP, Carmen, was really the executor most of the year anyway. I mean, I had the ideas, we all four fleshed them out, but when it came time to put the events on, Carmen was the best at keeping her cool and making things happen. She's going to kick ass as prez.
LynchburgMommies.com took some work but I have to say that I think it's a success. Up until Feb or March, I was doing almost everything all by myself. But over the past few months, I was able to "hire" a staff of volunteers. Now the site has over 200 members (I think that's not too shabby for a year) and the events are pretty successful. However, because I'm fairly burnt out and because when I asked for an assistant they said no, I am stepping down as Chapter Manager. It's for the best. Getting some new blood in there will help the site grow and change and come closer to what it should be. I feel like I've done my part. All I wanted was for there to be a site here and now there is. Sure, I had to FOUND it for that to happen, but now that that's done, I feel like I can kick back and be just a member. I need a break.
I was taking a baking class at the community college here, but it ended up being a dud. I'm not going to go into detail, but let's just say that I stuck it out for six weeks and still didn't LEARN anything (probably from there being an immense lack of instruction). I do, however, REALLY like the textbook, so I think I'm just going to keep reading it and see if I can get an apprenticeship with this kick ass bakery downtown next year after Lolo goes to Kindergarten.
Sam and I are still in counseling. I don't really want to talk about that, though.
I am in counseling on my own and my doc is really good and it is very helpful. However, I'm going through some kind of physical thing that seems to be causing a chemical imbalance of some kind. I'm plagued with bouts of seriously debilitating depression (and it seems to be linked to my uterus because most of the time, my depressive episodes come right after some pretty painful cramps.
We got some chickens (don't know if I mentioned that last time). We got them as chicks and now they're laying eggs. That's cool.
The garden did okay this year. We had a crazy tomato crop, but sadly weren't able to store as much chili as I would have liked (we usually ended up eating it after making it), nor were we able to make any salsa. Next year, maybe. We do have a few months' worth of pesto in the freezer. We didn't get as much squash as I'd like. But we did just eat a TON of roasted potatoes and I made my very first pot roast yesterday (I shared a half of a cow with two other people... LOCAL beef!!!) and put our home grown red and orange carrots and our homegrown onions into it. It was cool to eat something that was almost entirely local/homegrown. The main reason I moved here.
So, there you go. In just a few paragraphs. Pictures are worth a bunch of words, right? Here's a stream of pics of the past half a year.....
Thanksgiving 2010:
Bread I made to make stuffing...

Cut into pieces ready to make stuffing...

My little helper....

Butternut pesto gratin strata thingy that I make every year...

Upside down picture of my famous soup-less green bean casserole...

Mashed Taters....

Homemade cranberry sauce...



Fam around the table...

Apple pie...

Punkin pie...

Hay ride, sans hay...

Ryan's Birthday Turkey Pot Pie (Ryan's bday is just after Thanksgiving)...

Ryan's Birthday Pumpkin Pie...

Decorating for Christmas 2010:

Homestead Snowyness!!!!

Christmas at Grandma Dana's (in Arkansas):
Iron man...


Elf Food...

Elf Food all over the counter... Messy Elves...

Note from Santa Clause...

Cozy presents...

Cousin Morgan's Choo-choo Birthday Cake...

Building a Gingerbread House...

Visit to Lynchburg Grows...

Strawberry Festival:

Post-picking picnic!

Local yumminess...

Post-picnic playing...

Harvest ready to be made into jam....

Air Show we caught on the ride home.... These guys got in trouble for flying so low.

Easter at school:
Lily's class...

Ryan's class....

Easter at home:
Decorating eggs...

Bunny loot...

The Hunt....

Field Day:



Outstanding Student Night at the Hillcats' Stadium:

End of the school year Awards Ceremony:

Summer Water Play:

July 4th with Peequaw:

Lily's first day of Kindergarten...

Ryan's Karate Evolution:
White Belt...

White and black belt...

Yellow Belt...

Black and Yellow...

Camping at the beach on Labor Day:

Sandbridge Beach...

Random Cuteness:
Lolo practicing letters...

Chillin' on the couch...

Dance class...

Sister times....

Crazy Hair Day at school....

Ryan's space ship controls...

Pirate vs. Knight...

And no fairy tale is complete without a dragon....

Sleepy Baby...

Solomon Tissot... a.k.a. Mr. Fuzzy Pants... the day we brought him home.....

And NOW...

Farmer Lolo...

Making Ice Cream...

Ryan and his homemade instrument...

Snugging with napping Peequaw...

Ballet on the deck...(A thank you to Shannen, Morgan and Summer for bday presents!!!)

Gaming on the deck...

Fairy princessing is hard work!

At the track...

Basement Guest Room Evolution:

Pantry framing...


Pantry Insulation...


Pantry sheetrock...

Stipped ceiling...

Putting in the laminate...

Doors...Bedroom and closet....

Farm stuff:
Getting garden ready...

Local eggs (not ours... yet)...

Late winter yard...




All grown up....

Chicken Tractor Evolution:



More Framing...

Oriole? Scarlet tanenger? What the heck bird is this?

Crow in flight...

Moon moth...



Black Widow...

Wolf spider...

On the farm.... in our skivvies...

MATERS!!!! (from our garden)

Red carrot (and taters)...

Eggs from our chickens!!!...

Omelette from our first eggs...


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